Our Story

Q&A with Corey Rose - Bladesmith

Q: How did you discover forging?

A: I was introduced to forging by shaping horseshoes for our horses with my dad growing up. Later, I discovered the show Forged In Fire on The History Channel and became interested in bladesmithing.

Q: Why does forging appeal to you?

A: I like the sense of accomplishment when I complete a knife. I like the aspect of problem-solving, and it is also a great stress reliever for me.

Q: How did you get started making knives?

A: My wife gifted me a forging class in Atlanta where we forged a blade out of a railroad spike. Then, my family surprised me with a forge for my birthday and I taught myself.

Q: What is your favorite thing you have done so far?

A: Oh, that is a tough one. I have several favorites - I would have to say the Viking axe, that dagger I made for Faith, and the recurve bowie with the brass guard and pommel. Oh, and the hatchet I am working on with the deer antler handle!